Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm a writer -- of fantasy and science fiction. Not a big name mind you. And what I'm going to share is the experience of a "not-big-name" in the world of publishing.

I've had a few short stories purchased by and published in a small online publication. I have a coauthored novel coming out in March from ePress-online and another solo novel coming out in April from Swimming Kangaroo Books. Both are "tradition" (that is royalty paying) micro presses.

Those of you who write and try to sell your writing know that it's a rough old road to travel. I'll share my experiences and what little expertise I have. And I'll be happy to hear from you and discuss publishing with you.

Thanks for dropping by.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I see you've added a blog. Great. Best of luck with it, and be sure to let us know the when and where of your novel releases. Now those will definitely be Something To Celebrate.
