Sunday, August 30, 2009

Paperback winners

This will be a short one tonight.

I wanted to announce that I have two winners for the copies of Warrior's Duty.

They will go to John and Victoria and I'll email them both tomorrow to get their physical addresses. Thanks so much to everyone who took part!

I've talked to a number of people recently who are looking for agents and I want to mention what I consider the best source for help and information for an agent search. I highly recommend

It has the most complete database of American Agents that I've seen, and I've looked at a most of them. Pat who runs it is meticulous about removing questionable agents. Each agent page also has links to sources where you can check further, such as the agent's webpage, Publisher's Marketplace, AgentQuery and Predators & Editors. You can also use it to track your queries and query results and look at accumulated stats on queries and submissions from other authors.

Nope, they don't pay me. I just think it's a great resource. So if you're looking for an agent I suggest you head over to .

I'll have more thoughts on the writing life soon so keep writing.


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